Course in Yogic Studies – Four Months

Course in Yogic Studies – Four Months

The four-month Yogic Studies Course is conducted twice a year, once in English and once in Hindi. BYB seeks to admit a diversity of students with a broad range of interests and backgrounds.

Adjusting to the yoga lifestyle and ashram disciplines can be challenging and all aspirants must be prepared for this approach to yogic studies. The ashram disciplines are not restrictions but are teachings designed to create an atmosphere in which the yogic life and spirit can be experienced at a subtle level.

Bihar Yoga is a classical system derived from ancient tradition which integrates the various branches of yoga. When practised systematically, the holistic and balanced growth of the individual is supported and the quality of life is improved.

The fully residential Yogic Studies Course provides the opportunity for systematic and sequential practice of the techniques and practices over a 4 month period. Daily practice allows the awareness to extend more deeply into the body, mind and emotions, prana, and all aspects of human experience, to develop and integrate all the human faculties.

Daily morning hatha yoga classes are conducted for the health and wellbeing of the physical body and the regulation of prana, and raja yoga techniques are practiced each afternoon for the relaxation and concentration of mind. Students join with the ashram residents and guests in the daily ashram activites for the practice of karma yoga, developing balance and skill in action. Bhakti yoga and jnana yoga are practised in daily evening sadhana, to experience the positive qualities within oneself and in life.

This integrated daily sadhana of practices from the primary branches of yoga allows one to learn to manage and overcome the restrictive qualities and to discover and develop the positive aspects of one’s nature and being. The total creative potential is enhanced, allowing for the expression of the best and the most uplifting in life.

Completion of the course does not entitle one to teach yoga. Rather, it provides a foundation for further experience and learning, and develops the inspiration to pursue and deepen one’s own practice.

Course Overview

Description A residential course to provide basic training in the practical aspects of yoga and ashram life based on the classical systems for the holistic growth of the student.
Duration Four months
Course dates
(every year)
Hindi: February – May
English: October – January.
Courses usually start on the first of the month. Overseas applicants must arrive 1 week prior to the course commencement date to attend the admission procedures.
Contribution Contact Bihar Yoga Bharati for further information.
Age 18 to 60 years
Educational & eligibility requirements Submit one of the following:
  1. Secondary education certificate (see examples below)
  2. Exam results from 10th year of formal education. Examples:
  • Australia – School Certificate
  • Ireland – Intermediate Exam
  • India – Year 10
  • UK – ‘O’ Levels/GCSEs
  • USA – High School Diploma
Yoga experience Prior experience in yoga is not essential.
Language Competency in language both written and spoken will be required. Applicants will be assessed upon arrival.
Completion A Certificate in Yogic Studies is awarded to those who demonstrate the required competencies in the course assessment.

Important Information – Read Carefully Before Applying

Bihar Yoga Bharati courses are intensive and require all students to remain within the ashram during the entire period of the course.

Please note:

  • You will not be able to access external services, including email, banking and shopping.
  • Once you have registered in the campus you will not be permitted to leave the premises until the time of your departure.
  • If due to exceptional circumstances you are required to leave the campus, prior permission must be taken from the administration.
  • Permission is not given under any circumstances for visits to Ganga, for swim or bath.

All Applicants: Please see the Important Information page before applying.
