
Yogic Tradition

The Bihar School of Yoga, Bihar Yoga Bharati, Yoga Research Foundation and Yoga Publications Trust draw inspiration from Adi Shankaracharya, the codifier of the Dashnami Sannyasa Tradition, and from the spiritual masters Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, and Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati.

Adi Shankaracharya

Adi Shankaracharya was born in the 8th Century AD. He is recognized to be the undisputed spiritual leader of India, exponent of Advaita Vedanta, Tantra and Yoga, and enlightened commentator of many ancient scriptures.

During the course of his life, he established the Dashnami Sannyasa parampara in order to unify the diverse and scattered groups of sannyasins, bringing them all under the banner of sanatana dharma.

Dashnami Sannyasins still continue to convey his eternal message of the synthesis of all beliefs culminating in Advaita, the monistic vision of spiritual reality in which all things are ultimately one. Yoga has been developed and propagated by sannyasins, rishis and sages through the ages in order to meet the needs of spiritual seekers and those living in society.
